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The Great Big Pandemic Puppet Challenge!

Mixy and Collin are puppets who are about to go on a great adventure, but they are feeling a bit nervous. Can we make some puppet friends to help them?

Where to start?

You can make puppets out of anything. Lots of stuff around the house and from out of the recycling bin can be great to create a base for your puppet. Here is a video which shows you how to make a puppet just like Mixy or Collin out of an old plastic bottle.


In the video I will show you how to put some thoughts in the puppets head, which will be useful for when we later bring them to life.


Here is a list of questions to answer to give you a head start, but you can add your own too!



Other useful stuff


Another type of hand puppet like the Sisters of Sleep can be made using a small milk bottle. The hair of these puppets is made out of pieces of foam which have been torn and painted.

If you would like some tips on how to bring your puppet to life check out this short video!

You will need: A plastic bottle, tape, scissors or a knife, paints, brown packing paper or newspaper, PVA glue or wallpaper paste, a piece of dowelling, kebab sticks, a piece of cloth and something to make hair

Here is another video which takes you through how to make a milk bottle puppet step by step. The puppets in this video have a hat instead of hair.

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